Hack Palace Virii sectionhttp://www.hackpalace.com/virii/indexe.shtml
Many downloads: engines, sources, binaries, Mac viruses. FTP-style.(9631 hits since 12/31/01, avg/day 5.7575)
Big collection of virus e-zines and other virus related materials. FTP-style.(6645 hits since 12/12/02, avg/day 5.0053)
The Collectionhttp://www.phreak.org/html/virii.shtml
File archieve of Digital Information Society. Viruses (for different platforms), AVs, papers, sources, trojans, simulators. FTP-style(7590 hits since 12/31/01, avg/day 4.5373)
VX Heavenshttp://vx.netlux.org/
You are hereMagazines, tutorials, papers, laws, sources, live viruses, polymorphic engines, virus creation tools, collecting utilities, simulators, links (this page), and more ...
#vxers s an IRC channel which has been created by VXers (virus writers and traders) for VXers, a tension-free virtual meeting point which will be democratically administered by some of the most relevant figures of the VX scene, according to the will and the criterion of the majority of the registered users of any level.(7444 hits since 09/04/02, avg/day 5.2213)
- (5111 hits since 03/18/04, avg/day 5.9077)
A Little Viruses Collectionhttp://www.rigacci.org/comp/virus/
- (8445 hits since 03/11/04, avg/day 9.6792)
American Eagle Publications, Inc.http://www.ameaglepubs.com/
Books on hacking, viruses etc(5862 hits since 12/31/01, avg/day 3.5043)
Assembly forumhttp://www.asm-forum.cjb.net/
New assembly forum virus oriented.(4616 hits since 05/18/04, avg/day 5.7384)
This is is in Indonesian. This site contains lot of Symbian / Mobile Viruses like Skulls,Caribe,CommWarrior,DoomBoot, CardTrap, etc...(1087 hits since 11/11/05, avg/day 4.1469)
This site is dedicated to the study of Advanced Cryptographic Trojan Horses, Viruses, and Worms(3547 hits since 09/01/04, avg/day 5.0793)
d & f virushttp://web.tiscalinet.it/dec_spiderman/
av software and viruses (~100) for download(6877 hits since 12/31/01, avg/day 4.1111)
EpiGrass is a simulator of epidemics over networks.(487 hits since 03/25/06, avg/day 3.7939)See also Epigrass
EvilBB for Viriiwritershttp://www.evilbb.net.ms//
This is a Forum, where yo can talj about VXing. Join us today!(924 hits since 10/27/05, avg/day 3.3380)
F-13 Labshttp://f13.host.sk/
This site is the resourses of how to code win32 virus and cracking&reverse engine. (711 hits since 02/27/06, avg/day 4.5995)
H8CKRS PARADISEhttp://elite-hackdown.jp.md/
Thats a small page in german where you can get some viruses and trojans(5032 hits since 06/25/04, avg/day 6.5709)
Il simpatico bacillo!http://jump.to/bacillo/
Links to viral and antiviral sites and a few viruses for download(4309 hits since 12/31/01, avg/day 2.5759)
Virus payload screen website(631 hits since 03/24/06, avg/day 4.8879)See also Virus Payload Screen
Null's repositoryhttp://nulls-repository.com/
- (175 hits since 05/11/06, avg/day 2.1644)
Offensive Computinghttp://www.offensivecomputing.net/
Offensive Computing was formed by Valsmith and Danny Quist as a resource for the computer security community. The primary emphasis here is on malware collections and analysis for the purpose of improving people\'s abilities to defend their networks. There is a noticeable lack of public sources of malware and malware analysis available. Those that were available were either for sale or limited to a small number of users. We provide resources such as live copies of malicious software, md5sums to search on and analysis of the malware to the general public.(438 hits since 04/06/06, avg/day 3.7714)
You Can Download A Few Viruses Here(2090 hits since 05/13/05, avg/day 4.7017)
Pyro's Virii Pagehttp://members.fortunecity.com/acid_knight/virii.html
A few generators and examples of virii(358 hits since 03/30/06, avg/day 2.9104)
RFID Viruses and Wormshttp://www.rfidvirus.org/
- (496 hits since 03/18/06, avg/day 3.6704)
Skyline Easy Virus Makerhttp://www.freewebs.com/jlnh/makeyourownvirus.htm
- (282 hits since 04/13/06, avg/day 2.5829)
T E X T F I L E Shttp://www.textfiles.com/virus/
Virus Textfiles. ~200 papers.(5968 hits since 12/31/01, avg/day 3.5677)
Tapion Projecthttp://pb.specialised.info/all/tapion/
TAPiON (Polymorphic Decryptor Generator) project(839 hits since 10/08/05, avg/day 2.8315)See also TAPiON Polymorphic Decryptor Generator
The TAZhttp://hyatus.newffr.com/
Temporary Autonomous Zone. (1400 hits since 12/11/04, avg/day 2.3441)
The World of SymbianWormshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/SymbWarrior/
Testers, Laboratory, Photos from Infections, Viruses, Worms,Source Codes.(487 hits since 02/28/06, avg/day 3.1792)
Page contains one VCK(826 hits since 09/05/05, avg/day 2.5075)
Virus Centralhttp://mdk.iwarp.com
A few viruses for download. Some e-zines(from coderz.net). Not updated since 2000.(5391 hits since 12/31/01, avg/day 3.2228)
Virus informatiques (fr)http://low-level.da.ru/
Descriptions of different types of viruses (french).(3909 hits since 10/08/02, avg/day 2.8085)
Virus Wizardhttp://www.geocities.com/randy027dsz36/
Virus Wizard Creation Tool(4842 hits since 12/27/02, avg/day 3.6894)
VX CHAOS FILE SERVER: Virii, Worms, Anti-Virus, Hacker Tools, Warez, Codeshttp://vxchaos.cjb.net/
Virus and worm collection live and sources, virus writer ezines, tutorials and how to's, Virus Creation Programs And Construction Kits (VCK), PolyEngines, Trojans and Backdoors and more!(4840 hits since 04/18/05, avg/day 10.3088)
Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Other Destructive Tools & Protection Tools(1069 hits since 01/09/06, avg/day 5.2509)
Yugene Egorovhttp://www.geocities.com/bio_yugene/
Small page in russian about viruses (several viruses, tutorials)(4298 hits since 12/13/02, avg/day 3.2412)
Small site in russian to support one of the Fido FAQ servers (several tutorials and books in virii section)(4694 hits since 12/13/02, avg/day 3.5399)
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